Sunday, January 5, 2014


Last year at this time we were in a hard position. Luke lost his job early November, and the year before that we lost his dad to a car accident in November. felt like the world was crashing down on us. We were lucky enough to get food stamps, WIC, food bank, insurance for the kids, and support from family and friends. Luke felt down at first when he applied for multiple jobs and got no response. That change fast as February came around he got offered multiple jobs. He accepted a job from Natural Grocers for a Management position. He would have been gone for three weeks to train. Then he got offered a job at Lowes for a specialty position. He choose to do the Lowes position rather than the Natural Grocers one. It has proved to be the better choice.
Before he went to work we went to Las Vegas for a week with the kids. That was wild. Quincy busted up his gums in the hotel room within the first two hours of being there. When we got back and I found out we were expecting again. I wasn't very thrilled. The idea grew on me, literally. I love Little R with all my heart, just as I do with Suki and Mr. Q.
I am thankful to have a beautiful home, a new car to get us around safely, and all the things my husband does to help us survive. The last couple of years have been difficult, but I am positive it will work out for the best in the end.

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